World Suicide Prevention Day 2018


Working in the field of Mental Health, days like today are very important to us here at Highfield Healthcare. Each year, on the 10th of September, we are asked to remember World Suicide Prevention Day. It is an opportunity for us all to take some time to reflect on the real and lasting impact suicide can and does have on our society – both locally and globally.

Watch our video below to learn about some simple ways you can help be a part of suicide prevention. You can also learn more about World Suicide Prevention Day 2018 by downloading the International Association for Suicide Prevention’s (IASP) brochure here.


If you would like to mark this special day, the IASP invites participants all over the world to Light a Candle near a window at 8pm on WSPD as a symbol of support for suicide prevention, and for many it is a means of remembering a loved one.


Important Notice


Please note that currently we are experiencing intermittent issues with out phone lines. 


We are actively working on this but if you cannot reach us on 01 8374444, please call us on 085 2204106.


We apologise for the inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding.