Highfield Healthcare are pleased to announce that we are preparing to roll out the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine to residents and staff on the week commencing 18th January. We wish to share with you some important information in advance about the vaccine programme.
Highfield management team believes that it is vital that all residents receive the vaccine to protect their health and well-being.
The views of family members are important in this decision-making process and indeed families are often the best placed to understand what the person would have wished. While no other person such as a family member can consent to the vaccine on behalf of a person who lacks capacity to consent, for those who do lack capacity, a health care professional will make a decision, taking all this into account and based on what he/she believes is in their best interest.
As this is an urgent matter, we particularly wish to hear from anyone who is concerned about their relative in our care receiving the vaccination. Should you have concerns or specific queries, we ask you to please contact your family member’s treating doctor or our appointed Vaccination Family Liaison Person Kelley Daly on 01 8865418 by Friday 8th January.
Thank you for your continued support during this difficult time. We hope to be in a position to welcome visitors back soon following completion of the vaccine programme.
See below links to more detailed information regarding the vaccine programme, which may be helpful or answer some questions you may have.
HSE Vaccine Information Leaflet
HSE Consent Information Document
European Medicines Agency on Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine (Comirnaty)
More detailed information can be accessed via the HSE website here: https://www2.hse.ie/screening-and-vaccinations/covid-19-vaccine/