Specialist Rehabilitation Unit

The HSE mental health services recognise the issue of service users with complex needs remaining in acute units for long periods and therefore a model of care that describes a specialised rehabilitation care pathway for people with severe and enduring mental illness and complex needs, has been developed.

A significant component of this specialised rehabilitation care pathway is the provision of Specialist Rehabilitation Units (SRUs). Highfield Healthcare provides one such SRU in conjunction with the HSE, for those who require a specialised rehabilitation placement. We hope to provide them a space and the supports they need to facilitate their personal recovery.

Highfield Healthcare is providing a 22 bed SRU for HSE service-users with enduring mental health difficulties, predominantly those with a diagnosis of psychosis and associated challenging behaviours. The goal of the project is to support residents over 18 – 24-month period through a progressive rehabilitation and recovery focused programme, so that they are provided with the opportunity to successfully transition from the SRU to supported residential settings in their own communities.

To learn more about the recovery-based services in mental health, watch our video below.


All SRU referrals must be made to the National SRU Referral Committee using the standardised SRU Referral Form

The process for referral to the National SRUs is clearly outlined in The Guidelines for the Management of National Specialised Rehabilitation Placements

Please also see more information here


Important Notice


Please note that currently we are experiencing intermittent issues with out phone lines. 


We are actively working on this but if you cannot reach us on 01 8374444, please call us on 085 2204106.


We apologise for the inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding.