2nd March 2020
At Highfield Healthcare, the health, safety and wellbeing of our residents, patients, staff, volunteers and visitors is of paramount importance to us. We are therefore preparing contingency measures against the potential spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Highfield Healthcare has over 300 beds, 30 day hospital places, and scores of people attending our outpatient department on a daily basis.
Therefore, if over the last 14 days, you have been in any of the affected areas identified by the Health Service Executive (HSE) and feel unwell or are displaying any symptoms such as a cough, high temperature, or shortness of breath, we would ask that you please avoid visiting our services to protect against the spread of the infection.
This request applies to:
- Families/friends visiting elderly relatives in our nursing homes
- Service users attending outpatient appointments in our OPD
- Service users attending our mental health day hospital
- Visitors of inpatient service users of our Hampstead Clinic.
- Contractors coming on-site to carry out work.
At all times, our team take every necessary precaution to best protect the health and safety of all who come through our doors.

The HSE regularly updates its list of affected areas, which can be found here. We are advising service users and visitors to check this list regularly for any changes or additions, and for more information and updates on the coronavirus, areas affected by it and what to do if you think you might have had contact with it.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.