A role with Highfield Healthcare and the Department of Psychiatry, RCSI.
Deadline: Friday, 6 November
Development and delivery of undergraduate teaching programme in psychiatry in association with senior lecturer and professor of psychiatry, RCSI. Clinical duties in dynamic acute services in adult psychiatry including day hospital and home treatment services. Opportunities for supervised psychotherapy and research projects.
More more information, click here for the full job description.
Informal inquiries:
Dr Miriam Kennedy
Tel: 01 886 5466
Email: mkennedy@highfieldhealthcare.ie
Professor Vincent Russell
Tel: 01 809 3756
Email: vincentrussell@rcsi.ie; psychiatryadmin@rcsi.ie
Interested Parties:
Ms Judy Walsh, Recruitment Executive
Tel: 01 402 2442
Email: judywalsh@rcsi.ie