At the moment, the world has found itself in an unprecedented situation. It is completely understandable to feel worried and anxious in this time of uncertainty. If you feel like it is all getting a bit much for you, here are some tips for reducing your COVID-19 anxiety.
ONE: Focus on things you can control, such as your thoughts and behaviours.
TWO: Keep the big picture in mind. Humankind will survive this.
THREE: Remember that the size of the news coverage may not equal the size of a threat.
FOUR: Let wisdom and logic guide you.
FIVE: Turn to reputable sources for your news.
SIX: Control how often you check the latest news.
SEVEN: Model peaceful behaviour for those around you.
EIGHT: Evaluate your own health behaviours and be a model for others, including children.
NINE: Feeling too isolated? Maintain digital connections with people.
TEN: Don’t let fear influence your decisions, such as hoarding supplies.